Yogi Aurobindo was in many ways a quintessential Bharatiya Rishi who embodied a revolutionary zeal when his country expected it from him and eventually assumed his destined path of spiritual quest
Veer Savarkar is often discussed as one of the extremist leaders of Indian freedom struggle and the movement of nationalism in India. Much of the discussion revolves around his contribution in freedom struggle
Vinayak Damodar Savarkar had pledged a sacred vow to embark on the armed, revolutionary struggle for independence of India. After Nashik and Pune his next karmabhoomi was London and the centre of the struggle was India House.
One of least discussed aspects of Savarkar’s life is his views on India’s foreign relations and security policies. He was a pragmatist and his views of foreign policy were driven by his knowledge of the two World Wars and the world order during his time.